Sex? Sex! sex.

The bible is full of stories about sex and violence…really.  It’s more than likely one of the reasons that we hear the same readings over and over again in church.  My bible is over 1500 pages long and with that many pages you really shouldn’t be repeating readings as often … Continue reading

For Mom

After a very full life of almost 94 years our mom passed away on September 8.  It was a life like many others, filled with good health, love, family and for the most part, happiness.  It also had its share of sorrows, and heartache, and despair.  It was, in the … Continue reading

Generation Termination

We recently moved outside of our parish.  We love that parish – St Pat’s in Scottsdale.  We moved knowing that we would remain connected to it one way or another for the rest of our lives.  But God has plans for each of us that go beyond what we think … Continue reading

Curse the sin and not the sinner

Last week former President Jimmy Carter made a few statements regarding gay marriage.  “I think Jesus would encourage any love affair if it was honest and sincere and was not damaging to anyone else, and I don’t see that gay marriage damages anyone else…I believe Jesus would approve gay marriage,” … Continue reading

Be comforted

Our greatest fear is death…for the mostly obvious reasons.  But, I am learning that as you get older the fear shifts from fear for yourself to concern about those that you are leaving behind.  We worry about them being sad or lonely or mourning.   But thankfully we Christians are also … Continue reading

First Class to Waikiki

Please bear with me and this post, but I think there are some significant pay-offs if you stick with it as I try to describe something that I am still figuring out.  Feedback from several of you regarding the good Reverend Dollar’s talk about salvation indicates this real concern regarding … Continue reading

Sammy on my mind

When I was about 10 my sister and I adopted a street cat and cared for him.  Since he wasn’t allowed in our house (My mother was not a big fan of pets.) we would let him stay in a shed we had in our yard when the Northeast weather … Continue reading