The Jesus Selfie

selfie – a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and shared via social media. A few weeks ago I ran across an article that was all about the top celebrity instagrams of 2014.  OK, so I guess people are interested in stuff … Continue reading

Mary’s Song

Every now and then a song gets into my head and there it lives.  I have had the song, ‘Alive’ by Natalie Grant posted on the Video of the Moment for a couple of weeks now.  If you have not listened to it, take the time to do so now <Click Here>, … Continue reading

Don’t rock the boat

I volunteer at our church middle school youth program.  Last week one of our instructors, Michelle, made reference to this canvas by Rembrandt called ‘The Storm on the Sea of Galilee’.  It depicts the scene from Mark’s Gospel 4:35-41, where Christ and his disciples are on a boat in the midst of … Continue reading

Old Enough

One mistake most of us make is to talk to young people as if they can’t comprehend the deep stuff like God and a relationship with Christ, when in reality they are around the same age as Mary when she became the mother of Jesus, and David when he slew … Continue reading